How often does it happen that you download a file, create a document, take a picture or video on your device and you want to move it to Drive, Dropbox, or Box (or all of them). Perhaps, you need it the other way where you moved some files to your Cloud provider and now you need to edit it on your mobile device. Maybe you want to delete it on your device, but not sync back to the cloud that delete, or maybe delete on the cloud but keep it on your device. This application was built to allow multiple synchronization styles to and from your cloud store as well as a set it and forget it approach. You can set what you want and the application will take care of the rest! Save it to one cloud server or save it to all.
This is a first release and more cloud providers will be coming soon.
Seberapa sering hal itu terjadi bahwa Anda men-download file, membuat dokumen, mengambil gambar atau video pada perangkat Anda dan Anda ingin memindahkannya ke Drive, Dropbox, atau Box (atau semua dari mereka). Mungkin, Anda perlu dengan cara lain di mana Anda memindahkan beberapa file ke penyedia Cloud Anda dan sekarang Anda perlu mengeditnya di perangkat mobile Anda. Mungkin Anda ingin menghapusnya pada perangkat Anda, tetapi tidak sinkron kembali ke awan yang menghapus, atau mungkin menghapus atas awan itu tapi tetap pada perangkat Anda. Aplikasi ini dibangun untuk memungkinkan beberapa gaya sinkronisasi ke dan dari toko awan Anda serta satu set dan melupakannya pendekatan. Anda dapat mengatur apa yang Anda inginkan dan aplikasi akan mengurus sisanya! Simpan ke satu server cloud atau menyimpannya untuk semua.
Ini adalah rilis pertama dan penyedia awan yang lebih akan segera hadir.
How often does it happen that you download a file, create a document, take a picture or video on your device and you want to move it to Drive, Dropbox, or Box (or all of them). Perhaps, you need it the other way where you moved some files to your Cloud provider and now you need to edit it on your mobile device. Maybe you want to delete it on your device, but not sync back to the cloud that delete, or maybe delete on the cloud but keep it on your device. This application was built to allow multiple synchronization styles to and from your cloud store as well as a set it and forget it approach. You can set what you want and the application will take care of the rest! Save it to one cloud server or save it to all.
This is a first release and more cloud providers will be coming soon.